Crime Stories: Eastern European Fiction from Crime to Punishment

Select one of the following prompts, double spaced, font size 12 in Times, Times New Roman, or Helvetica.

1) Close reading a text:
Your analysis MUST tie into the themes or main questions of our class.

Write a close reading/analysis of ONE of the following:

a) In Crime and Punishment, analyze Raskolnikov’s dream in the “Epilogue.”

b) Bugajski’s Interrogation: Analyze the theme of surveillance in the film; close read moments and scenes that point to observation.

c) In Kafka’s The Trial, close read the last chapter (10). You may explore the changes Josef K has undergone in the novel and thus refer to other parts of the novel, but your focus needs to be chapter 10.

d) Write about K’s death in Kafka’s The Trial and how it differs from Orson Welles’s adaptation of The Trial.
2) Field trip: How sites modify behavior
For this assignment, visit a site or a building. This may be a school, a specific building or part of the USC campus, a court house, a grocery store, a mall, a bus stop, an office, someone’s living room, you get the point: any place you like where you are indeed allowed to visit!!! Move around in your selected space and take notice of how the architecture, potential art, or planning attempts to control you or alter your behavior. Some questions you may choose to address are: Are there anti-rioting measures taken in the architecture or planning of your site? Is there a surveillance structure? Are there signs giving you information or that make you act with care? Cameras? Artworks to close read which meanings may suggest that you should behave a certain way with respect or calm? Are there color choices that seem unexpected or precisely expected? Analyze the general but more importatly the very specific. You MUST use Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon Letters in your analysis, whether or not your selected space can be seen as a Panopticon structure or not. Explain why it is or is not like a panopticon.

READ ALSO :   Select any small to medium sized publically traded company and use the financial statements from these company (you can get these financial statements by going into Google finance, Yahoo finance, company’s annual statements, or some financial data bases in the library)

Close read the space, note every detail and really explain how it functions. Tie your ideas into some of the main theories of the class.

Recommended: you may want to read the Pruitt-Igoe Myth: Bristol, Katharine (in for instance the Journal of Architectural Education May 1991).You can find it online if you google it.
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