Criminal Law

Criminal Law
Identify the role of victims in the criminal incident as well as in criminal justice processing and
programming by explaining and demonstrating knowledge of:
(1) Regarding “victim impact statements”:
(a) who gives it,
(b) when is it given,
(c) where is it given,
(d) why is it given, and
(e) to whom is it given?
(2) Regarding “execution impact statement”:
(a) who gives it,
(b) when is it given,
(c) where is it given,
(d) why is it given, and
(e) to whom is it given?
(3) The landmark Maryland case that had an effect on the use of victim impact statements in
capital cases:
(a) identify the case,
(b) describe the case, and
(c) discuss the case as it relates to the victim impact statement.

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