Critical Analysis

900 Words on Marx’ Communist ManifestoMarx claims that the history of all previous and present societies issues from the ownership of the means of production which brings about and governs those societies, but that the stage of capitalism will bring about the end of this cycle, because it will destroy the ground of class conflict. Evaluate this claim.

A critical analysis is evaluative. It assumes the work you have done to form an analytical summary of the text and requires you to form a thesis of your own about (some aspect of) it. You may make use of secondary sources (whether as an authority in agreement with you, or as an example of a possible misreading of the text).

You should try to ensure that your overall thesis is clearly stated, and that each paragraph contributes to a coherent argument for that thesis. One of the best ways to do this if you agree with a text is to raise the strongest arguments against your position and then to meet this objection.

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