critical thinking

1. What is critical thinking and why is it important?

2. Defining Terms and How We Do It.

Determine how the term is used to define your chosen example, and whether the definition is by example, by synonym, by an analytical definition.

Here are the examples:

a) Decaffeinated means without caffeine.

b) Bifocals are glasses with two different prescriptions ground into each lens, making it possible to focus at two different distances from the wearer.

3. Premises and Conclusions

Identify the premise(s) and conclusion(s) of your example and to negotiate among yourselves if you disagree. Additionally, discuss whether the argument is valid.

Here are the examples:

a) According to Nature magazine, today’s thoroughbred racehorses do not run any faster than their grandparents did. But human Olympic runners are at least 20% faster than their counterparts of 50 years ago. Most likely, racehorses have reached their physical limits but humans have not.

b) Seventy percent of all freshmen at State College come from wealthy families; therefore, probably about the same percentage of all students at State College come from wealthy families.

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