

Analyze the claims of the articles “Who Should Plan the Curriculum” and “The Case for Teacher-Led School Improvement” and discuss your agreement or disagreement with the recommendations for including parents, other stakeholders, and students in curriculum planning. Discuss the changes to policy the administration would have to make to include teachers and any of these non-teacher groups in curriculum planning. Comment on any benefits and roadblocks to making such changes.
Read the article titled “The Muddle Machine: Confessions of a Textbook Editor” and discuss the implications the text adoption processes used in the three most influential states—Texas, California, and Florida—have on curriculum decisions in those states as well as states that do not have the same processes. Comment on how this textbook adoption process has affected or might affect your role as a teacher or curriculum planner. Recommend ways school districts can address the issues related to the text adoption processes and the impact of the three most influential states.

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