customer relationship management

Acting as a CRM consultant each student should produce a:

Your report must critically assess how 2 companies in different industries in the UK have been managing their customers. One should be an example of good CRM and one poor or bad CRM.
1) Individual report (2,500 words) – 100% weighting
Hand in a hard copy before 13.30 hours on 20th May 2015 to the SAC and electronically via turnitin.
You MUST use the version of the Harvard referencing system on Blackboard .
Your Individual report must include the following
a) A critical analysis of how the two companies (the same as used for the presentation in the UK have been managing their customers

b) Develop a customer relationship management improvement strategy for both companies.


1) Your strategy must be based on the practical implementation of course concepts and each company may require a different approach .

2) Further guidance on the structure of your report will be provided after the presentations.

3) Your recommendations should build on course concepts, and presentations made by visiting speakers as appropriate.

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