

Incorporate the supplied (linked) secondary materials by paraphrasing their arguments or part of their arguments, or by quoting a section of their arguments/key points. Do this in the main body of your essay (not the introduction or conclusion). Your goal is not to show that you’ve read the secondary materials per se, but that, having read the materials, your own argument/points have become more sophisticated and developed, because you have consulted authoritative wisdom about the topic you are working on. It is, of course, possible to dispute such ?authoritative wisdom.?

? Definitely note that I have not quantified how many times you should quote or paraphrase or refer to a secondary source’s argument. I’m asking you to develop your own analytical ideas and then judiciously incorporate outside ideas/sources. That said, no more than 20% of your paper should be quoted material, whether from the main texts or secondary sources.

? You have to know what your argument is and you have to know the arguments/main points of the secondary material. Only then can you integrate secondary research. Half-hearted tossing in of information from a secondary source–as if it’s some strange vegetable you don’t have a taste for–is not appropriate. Research typically requires reading a lot of material that ends up not being useful: that’s part of the discipline of doing research, ferreting out the useful from the non-useful. Do it (from the provided links)!


Darwin–a moderately devout man himself, although increasingly doubtful as he grew older–well knew that Origin of Species would be attacked upon various grounds, especially for its supposed impiety. In what ways do you see Darwin anticipating a less than receptive audience, an audience that will feel its traditional beliefs are being challenged? You might consider not only the sequence of chapters (why does he begin with domestic or artificial selection?), but also specific passages (e.g., the famous "Tree of Life" passage on page 74 or the concluding passage on pages 120-121). How do you account for Darwin’s fairly frequent recourse to adjectives such as "wonderful" or "beautiful" when speaking of adaptations? Do not simply answer these questions one after another; I?m offering them as brainstorming tools to help you get ideas, not as paint-by-numbers questions that you ?fill in? in your actual paper. You need to devise your own thesis about Darwin?s book (not just Darwin himself or evolutionary theory), and select suitable quotes. Ideally, your paper should show that you understand 1) the relationship of Darwin’s theory to the intellectual currents of the historical period in which he was writing (read the lecture notes!), 2) Darwin’s basic argument in his book, and 3) the strategic or rhetorical ways in which he conveys his argument in his book. Again, do not just mechanically ?answer? the previous 1,2,3: the basic goal is to show you understand how Darwin?s specific book?the content of the treatise and the way he presents that content–relates to and responds to its intellectual/cultural context.

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Again, ponder stages of analysis, including historical context. Your paper might not even begin talking about Darwin or his book per se (except for your intro., until page three or so).