death of a salesman by arthur miller

� Norton: Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman (1668-1735)
� Read Arthur Miller�s Play Death of a Salesman. (1646-1711)
A) After carefully reading Arthur Miller�s Death of a Salesman, answer this
1. Who are the main characters in the play? How are they portrayed? Do we as readers/spectators sympathise with them? Do our sympathies change as the play progresses? Look at the relations between characters and see if they balance one another or if there are other principles matching them with one another. If you were casting actors for a new film version of the play, who would you suggest for the main characters?

2. The play has often been read as a critique of certain aspects of the American lifestyle or ideology. Do you think it works that way? What would be the main points of such a critique? What is it that is questioned and how?

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