Deferral Resit MGT3190 Course Work 2 assignment

Deferral Resit MGT3190 Course Work 2 assignment
This assignment consists of a comparison of two articles relevant to Cross Cultural Management and the aim is to relate this to theoretical perspectives and practical implications covered during the course

Briefing: Your manager wants to know if this new concept called ‘Cultural Intelligence’ (CQ) is useful for staff development. You are asked to read 2 articles about this tool and summarise your findings in a report (2000 words).

Step 1: Read the following two articles:
Earley, C. and Mosakowski, E. (2004), Toward culture intelligence: Turning cultural differences into a workplace advantage, Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 18, No. 3, 151-157

Ward, C. Fischer, R. Zaid Lam, F.S., and Hall, L (2009), The Convergent, Discriminant, and Incremental Validity of Scores on a Self-Report Measure of Cultural Intelligence, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 69 (1), 85-105. (NOTE: SKIP STUDY 1, STUDY 2, and STUDY 3 page 87-101)

Step 2: Write a brief introduction

Step 3: Answer the questions below
Earley & Mosakowski article (approx 400 words):
1. What, according to Earley & Mosakowski are the two major traditional streams in Cross Cultural Management? Please give a management example of each stream.
2. Summarise what is ‘Cultural Intelligence’ (CQ) according to Earley & Mosakowski.
3. What company/organization (give the name) can use CQ as a tool in business and why?

Ward, Fischer, Zaid Lam, & Hall article (approx 400 words):
1. It’s important to know if a tool works or not. Summarise the critique that Ward and colleagues list in terms of CQ as a functional tool. Did Ward and colleagues find that the CQ tool was different from ‘Emotional Intelligence’? If yes/no, how?
2. Why is it a problem that the CQ tool is a self-reported instrument? Give a practical example how this can go wrong.
3. How, if at all, can cultural intelligence be tested effectively?

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Step 4: Compare the practical implications of both articles in the discussion. Which article’s advice would you use for diversity training and why? What else have you learned about cultural intelligence and cultural values that may be useful in terms of a) decision making, b) Negotiations and communication and c) Leadership? (approx 400 words)

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