Democracy & Authoritarianism

Assess the stability of Authoritarian regimes over Democracies with reference to specific case studies (including Russia and Mexico). Use the works of scholars such as Huntington and Brooker. Find attached the essay question, a brief outline of the key arguments and the bibliography.
Which are More Stable; Democracies or Authoritarian Regimes?(2000 words)
Outline the definition of democracies and authoritarian regimes according to the below readers, particularly Dryzek& Dunleavy (2009) for democracy and Brooker (2013) for authoritarianism. Go on to discuss ‘stability’ in terms of both the longevity of a regime andstandards of living — ultimately argue that authoritarian regimes are more stable because of their abilities to secure control over both their people’s wellbeing and invading forces, at the cost or ‘absence of’ democracy. Suggest that while these regimes may be more stable, they also become stagnant as a result, leading to malfunctioning economies and a society locked in stasis. Refer to Brooker’s Authoritarian Typology when outlining Russia as a case study, comparing its stability to Mexico (Bacon, 2010 &Krauze, 2006 respectively: also, look at Hague &Harrop’sComparative Government). Look at Huntington’s waves of democracy(Huntington, 1991) and suggest that the frequency of these waves illustrate the flimsiness of democratic regimes.
Andrew Heywood (2007) Politics, 3rd edition, Palgrave chapter 2, chapter 4
Brown, Archie, The Rise and Fall of Communism (2010)
Caramani, D. (ed.) (2014) Comparative Politics. 3rd edition, Oxford U.P.
D. Held (2006, 3rd edition) Models of Democracy, Polity.
Edwin Bacon (2010) Contemporary Russia, chapter 4
Enrique Krauze (2006) ‘Furthering Democracy in Mexico’ Foreign Affairs 85:1 pp. 54-65
Hague and Harrop, Comparative Government and Politics – An Introduction, 8thedn., chapter 5, chapter 6.Including case studies: Mexico (p.94) and China (p.110) and Russia (p. 174)
Hobsbawm, Eric, Age of Extremes (Abacus 1998)
Huntington, S. (1991) The Third Wave: Democratisation in the Late 20th Century, Oklahoma Univeristy Press
J. Dryzek and P. Dunleavy (2009) Theories of the Democratic State, Palgrave.
Kenneth Newton and Jan Van Deth J (2005), Foundations of Comparative Politics, Cambridge University Press, chapter 2
Paul Brooker (2009) Non-Democratic Regimes, Palgrave
R. Dahl (1956) A Preface to Democratic Theory, University of Chicago Press
R. Dahl (1989) Democracy and Its Critics, Yale U.P. On political institutions

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