Designing the program or policy

Designing the program or policy

This is what I need to do: I need an abstract page too: this is the book we are using:" Welsh, W. and Harris, P. (2013). Criminal justice policy & planning (4th ed). Waltham, MA. Anderson Publishing."
Throughout this course you will be developing a policy or program for the issue of your choice. As you have learned, there are 7 main stages within the policy or program planning process. As you learn about each of the stages, you will be responsible for drafting that part of your plan and submit it for review. Remember, your policy or program can be for a police department, the prosecutor’s office, the public defender’s office, or a correctional facility (juvenile or adult). In Pod 8 you will submit your full plan, as well as a presentation on your program or policy for your classmates to review.

The design of your policy or program is vital to the implementation. Make sure that follow all of the steps from the checklist found at the back of the book, when designing your policy or program.

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