Discrimination at work

This project represents both an end (as the final project for the course) and a beginning (as the first step in the next stage of your personal learning journey about discrimination at work). It invites you to reflect about everything you have learned during the course and identify your core concerns in regard to discrimination at work. What matters most to you? After a semester exploring discrimination at work, what do you find most personally and vitally important in the entire course? What have you learned that will help you think about, and act upon, the answers to those concerns, now and in the future?

Feel free to approach this project in a way that best fits your talents, experience and interests. For example, you can concentrate on one particular type of discrimination, or discuss discrimination in general; concentrate on its causes, its consequences, or its possible remedies; concentrate on what it does to those who discriminate, and/or those who are discriminated against; concentrate on the theoretical aspects of the field (e.g., writing a literature review or a book review), or making it quite personal (e.g., writing about someone’s experiences with discrimination at work, be it yourself and/or someone you can interview). As the title of the project says, make this project entirely, and uniquely yours.

The format is flexible, but the general guidelines are that the text should be a minimum of 1,000 words, submitted as a Word file (doc), double spaced. References should follow APA style. The project should be submitted HERE in the Assignments area of Sakai (by the last day of the course – Tuesday, December 17).

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