Discuss Langston Hughes’s use of rhyme, meter, and sounds in five of his poems of your choice. Must explain how the elements contribute to the poems’ meanings. You must compare and contrast the poems using the elements that are in the poems and using the basic elements such as similes, metaphors, imagery…etc

Discuss Langston Hughes’s use of rhyme, meter, and sounds in five of his poems of your choice. Must explain how the elements contribute to the poems’ meanings. You must compare and contrast the poems using the elements that are in the poems and using the basic elements such as similes, metaphors, imagery…etc

Discuss Langston Hughes’s use of rhyme, meter, and sounds in five of his poems of your choice. Must explain how the elements contribute to the poems’ meanings. You must compare and contrast the poems using the elements that are in the poems and using the basic elements such as similes, metaphors, imagery…etc
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