Student K
When you complete your individual research project do you think you will be more likely to use descriptive statistics or some other statistical method? Explain how you plan to analyze your data.
For my research project, I doubt I will be using descriptive statistics. Leedy and Ormrod (2016) describe descriptive statistics as studies that describe what the data looks like. It verifies their center (midpoint), and how broadly that midpoint is spread. It also looks at two different data sets and determines how the two are interrelated (p. 217). My survey information will focus on the impact of decisions made by a higher echelon. It will include more interviews and research-driven explanations. The responses from the participants will determine more of an inferential statistic. Inferential statistics will allow the researcher to draw conclusions based on the collection of data from relatively small samples (Leedy et al, 2016). My small samples will be obtained by individual military units numbering from 30-40 participants. I may have a completion rate of 20% from that number. This would offer a smaller base sample from each unit. I would then interview multiple units to find my sample basis and provide an inferred reaction based on these smaller sample groups.
What is the purpose of the CMU Research Review Application Process (or any Institutional Review Board)?
The Institutional Review Board ensures that projects considered as research projects that use humans to generate information are regulated to protect the rights of those participants. Students who use humans to produce data with the intention to publish those findings to a larger audience must ensure they complete CITI training and are able to obtain IRB approval for the research. The goal of this request is to protect the rights of both humans and animals who may be involved with the related research studies. Studies must be approved before a sample may be obtained.
Central Michigan University will be replacing the IRB requirement with a new Research Review Application. Students will submit a form for review and will submit that request to their capstone instructor. The application can be downloaded online from cmich.edu.
Why might someone NOT have to complete the Review Process?
I wasn’t sure about this answer, but I thought that someone may not need to complete the review process if studies do not involve humans or animals in the research or if you are doing a records study with existing data.
Review the Research Review Application. Which of the two categories best fit your individual research project? Which attachments will be needed for your individual research project? Why? (Hint: If you reviewed Lecture this last part will be easier to answer)
The category that best fits my research project would be the Human Subject Research. I will be reviewing the effects of military funding issues on a military unit’s ability to perform their mission. The type of attachments required will include the following:
Copy of survey or interview questions
Cover letter or consent form
Permission letter on the organization’s letterhead if the subject pool is not selected from a public source such as a phone directory or web page

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These documents are required to ensure the protection of rights of the people and organizations involved with my research.

On the second page of the Application, which box will you select for your individual research project? If you had to complete the text box, what will you say in that box?
I will state that my project is work related. I am currently serving in a military unit who is effected by these funding issues. I would explain my history in the military and how the effect of these funding issues affect others in similar situations. My hope would be that clarification of this research might assist National leaders with determining the viability of military units similar to mine.
Will you need to include an organizational permission letter with your application? Why or why not? If yes, are you confident that you can obtain a permission letter?
I will need to include an organizational permission letterhead with my application because I will be performing my research within my organization. I am confident I will be able to obtain a permission letter to perform my research.




Student P
When you complete your individual research project do you think you will be more likely to use descriptive statistics or some other statistical method? Explain how you plan to analyze your data.
My research involves a small sample size of seven workers. I believe inferential statistics would be appropriate for my study. Inferential statistics studies a sample and after analysis says something about the population the sample came from (Taylor, 2016). I would collect data on team building, trust, communications, and the use of technology while managing virtual teams. By using virtual statistics, I can take this small sample size and make assumptions about other virtual teams within Verizon.
What is the purpose of the CMU Research Review Application Process (or any Institutional Review Board)?
To protect the ethics of research. Also, to prevent any harm to subjects included in the research. The federal government instituted these protections. Since Central Michigan University receives federal funds, they must enforce those safeguards.
Why might someone NOT have to complete the Review Process?
Yes, if the project includes human subjects and is considered research by government guidelines. The findings must be generalized and the results be disseminated to a wider audience (“Guide to the MSA,” 2016).
Review the Research Review Application. Which of the two categories best fit your individual research project? Which attachments will be needed for your individual research project? Why? (Hint: If you reviewed Lecture this last part will be easier to answer)
I intend to use human subjects, and the results will not be published outside my organization. The attachments I will need for this project are a copy of the survey, survey cover letter (consent form), and a letter indicating permission to conduct research from my organization on company letterhead (Kessler, 2014).
On the second page of the Application, which box will you select for your individual research project? If you had to complete the text box, what will you say in that box?
My project is work related and related to my concentration. I would have to provide reasoning that indicates why my project is not both work related and related to my concentration. However, my project is both work and concentration related so I would leave this blank.
Will you need to include an organizational permission letter with your application? Why or why not? If yes, are you confident that you can obtain a permission letter?
Yes, I will need a permission letter since I will be performing research within my organization. This is required by Central Michigan University. I believe that getting permission is possible. I have already talked with my supervisor about it and he feels it will not be a problem. Also, Verizon is very supportive of employees who wish to continue their education. It will need to be reviewed by our security department to protect company confidential information. Fortunately, the research I wish to perform is generic to any company who manages virtual employees. Therefore, I will not require any company confidential information to complete my project.

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