
Topic 2: Some of the descriptive statistics found in the article provided for this week’s assignment were by comparing two different groups. The “comparison between groups were assessed by using t tests and analysis of variance” (Tudor, Berger, Polivka, Chlebowy, Thomas, 2014, p. e90). Surveys were their data collection tool. Descriptive statistics could be use in justifying a course of action in many ways. These numbers could give a sense of security when changing standards and or policies. In my facility we use some of these statistics routinely. We use statistics to improve our admission transfers from the ER to our inpatient floor. We measure in percentage how long it takes from the moment the bed is assigned to when the patient arrives in the unit. Obviously the goal is to be at or better than National standards.

Tudor, K., Berger, J., Polivka, B. J., Chlebowy, R., & Thomas, B. (2014). Nurses’ perceptions of family presence during resuscitation. American Journal Of Critical Care, 23(6), e88-96 1p. doi:10.4037/ajcc2014484

Skinner, V., Madison, J., & Humphries, J. H. (2012). Job satisfaction of australian nurses and midwives: a descriptive research study. Australian Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 29(4), 19-27 9p.

Topic 3:
Statistics is the method used to collect and analyze mathematical data. (CCN, 2016). Clinical significance is using one’s judgment to interpret the data and make a reasonable conclusion. Connelly (2013) goes on to explore that the confidence interval is the range of values that exists in the population based on the sample studied. The confidence interval is clinically significant in that it may only prove a very minimal percentage of improvement and that is where the clinician must determine if there is much benefit of to change the treatment. In my opinion I believe both statistical significance and clinical significance go hand in hand. I believe that we learn best practices form studies, but these studies are based on clinical judgment.

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Chamberlain College of Nursing, (2016). NR500 Foundational Concepts & Applications: Week

6 lesson. St. Louis, Mo: online publication.

Connelly, L. M. (2013). What Are Confidence Intervals? MEDSURG Nursing,22(1), 56
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