Economic growth

Identify two countries of your choice, one that has recently experienced relatively strong and robust economic growth and one that has had

relatively weaker economic growth. Find some economic data on both countries that you think could inform an analysis of differences in the economic

growth rates of both countries. Such data might include GDP per capita measured in common currency, e.g. US dollars), unemployment rates, human

capital development index, literacy rate, population growth, index of economic freedom, level of investment, savings rate, inflation rates, etc.
Prepare a report that is designed to evaluate how the differences in the economic growth in both countries can be reconciled with your knowledge of

theories of economic growth. You should use economic data you gathered on both countries to justify your answers. While you are free to structure

your report as you feel appropriate, it should include:
1.discussion of the economic conditions of both countries
2.appraisal of how growth theory can explain differences in the economic grow rates of both countries using data you gathered (You can present some

of this data in graphical or table form.)
3.whether the strong growth country prospects for continued strong economic growth might be limited; and, if so, what policy you would recommend to

offset this?
4.whether the weak growth country prospects for growth will be further limited; and, if so, what policy you would recommend to offset this?

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