
For each of the following statements please write down either an (initial) active listening or ‘I message’ response.

1. A teacher confides in you:
“I have lost the confidence to be with other people. I have lost faith in my judgement.
I just like the company of my family. I break down in private not letting the world know how
I feel.”

2. A parent confides in you: (She has been involved in a home invasion in which her partner
was seriously assaulted and had to be hospitalised)
“I was terrified by this incident but I don’t know how to stop thinking about what happened. At
night I am overcome by panic, fearing that it might happen again. How do I stop feeling like
this? ”

3. A teacher confides in you:
“Parents are complaining about me to the principal, but my principal doesn’t listen to what I
say. He thinks I am incompetent and talks about putting me on poor performance. I don’t
know what to do and I am scared of losing my job.”

4. You are working as a teacher in a secondary school:
One of the very quiet well behaved students in your class is frequently absent from school
because she is afraid of another teacher who is always on her back for not completing
homework In talking with this teacher she tells you that ” I know why she is not coming to school.
She is scared of me because I am putting pressure on her to complete her homework, but I
won’t change what I am doing.”

5. You are a parent. Your teenage daughter has promised to tidy her clothes after school. You
go in to see if she has, and you find everything strewn over the bed and the floor.

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What do you initially say to her utilizing what you have been learning about active listening, ‘I
messages’ and being assertive.
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