Educational Psychology 1.1

Educational Psychology 1.1

1.8 Early intervention to divert the pathway to prison Celia Lashlie, who died this year, worked with many people who were in prison. She had a focus on gender in her work, seeking to understand boys, as well as women, and the factors in their sociocultural contexts that contributed to them being in gaol. Listen to a conversation with Celia Lashlie at 2/20/4183568.htm Or Watch her at Y1Azs She also has books you can access, if you prefer to access her thinking through reading. Write 500 words about what sociocultural factors can be considered when intervening early to change the pathway to prison for some of these people? Which of these, and in what ways, are related to education?
Cover page and footer with your name and student number, and page numbers
Meaningful responses to the Tasks.
Reference to at least 3 academic sources, the text and Topic Notes for each OLT
Sound academic style with accuracy of spelling and grammar
Professional, respectful and sensitive language used
Consistent APA referencing conventions used

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