Effective Ethical, Moral, and Legal Leadership

What are the characteristics of effective leadership? As you have been exploring in this course, there are many different

facets of leadership to consider. One question that frequently arises is whether the statement “leaders are born, not

made” is, in fact, true.
For this Discussion, you consider your thoughts and beliefs related to this statement, as you deepen your understanding

of leadership in light of ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas.
To prepare:
• Contemplate the assertion that “leaders are born, not made.” What response does this evoke for you? Consider the

roots of your thoughts and beliefs. Review Learning Resources from previous weeks, as well as this week, as needed, and

ask yourself whether your perception of this may have changed as you have been progressing through the course.
• Think about an ethical, moral, or legal dilemma that you resolved or saw resolved using one type of decision

making described in the course text.
• Reflect on the traits that were demonstrated and/or those that are described in the course text. How did these

traits inform the decision-making process?
• Also consider the following questions:
o Do your ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities differ depending on your position within an organization? If

so, how?
o Do ethical, moral, and legal responsibilities vary based on the organization and the population it serves? Why or

why not?
o What professional standards or other guidelines are available? When and how should they be referred to?
Now, return to the assertion that “leaders are born, not made.” Consider whether the traits needed for ethical,

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moral, or legal decision making are innate or can be developed.
Post on or before Day 3 an assessment of whether leaders are “born” or can be “made.” Describe the dilemma that you

resolved or saw being resolved through ethical, legal, or moral decision making. Specify which traits or principles were

necessary to make the decision, and expound on whether such traits are strictly innate or can be developed.

Olson, D. A. (2009). Are great leaders born, or are they made? Frontiers of Health Services Management, 26(2), 27–30.
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