EIN 6430 – Homework Assignment One Complete by 9-15-14

EIN 6430 – Homework Assignment One Complete by 9-15-14 This assignment has 3 tasks. 1)  Access the Code of Federal Regulations at http://tinyurl.com/mtf3wo3 (????????).  Using the simple search function in the upper left column (do not enter a title number), search for a term associated with a regulated industry of interest to you in your current/future career plans.  [Note – be somewhat selective.  A search for the term “internet” will return ~3300 matches while a search for medical devices will return ~335 matches]. Your search will return a list that may consist of both amendments and regulations containing the search term. a)    State the title of the search term you used and the number of matches that resulted. b)    You may or may not return amendments for your search term.  Provide your thoughts on what it means if there are a large number or a small number of amendments related to a term.  Describe how your future actions might differ if you were considering entering a business associated with a search term that produced numerous amendments compared to none, or a few amendments. c)    Compare the Titles returned in your CFR search with the subject area (i.e. Title 5: Administrative Personnel) each represents.  Write a paragraph providing your thoughts on what it means if regulations pertaining to a subject are found in several titles as opposed to only one or two. 2)  Visit FDSYS at http://tinyurl.com/ybh8548 (????????) and use the advanced search function to the right of the search box. Use All Dates and Add the Federal Register to the search collections box on the right.  At the bottom of the screen search in Full Text of Publications and Metadata for a term that is associated with a regulated industry of interest to you in your current/future career plans. Your search will return a list of documents containing the search term.  Select one of the documents of interest to you and read it. a)    State the search term used and title of the document you read. b)    Provide a brief overview of the document and the information it contains. c)    Provide your thoughts on the usefulness of the information contained in the document for a regulated industry dealing with that particular product or process. 3)  Write a two to three paragraph comparison of the Administrative Law process with the traditional civil law process in the U.S. including how each system’s laws are made and enforced. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT 🙂