electrical engineering using Java

electrical engineering using Java
Assignment 9
Your submission should follow our general guidelines. Please follow object-oriented principles. Include an executable jar file for each program.
The link reference
1- Extent your circuit analysis program to handle multiple current sources, such as the example below, and calculate the node voltages. The LTSpice version of this circuit can be downloaded from test5.zip
2- R1 1 2 100
3- R2 3 4 400
4- R3 2 0 500
5- R4 4 0 200
6- I1 0 1 0.1
7- I2 2 3 0.02

2- Write a Java program that allows you to define, select and move resistors around the screen. See MouseTest for some ideas. Add a button to open a dialog box to edit the name, nodes, and value of the currently selected resistor. Add another button to use FileChooser to write the resulting netlist.

Assignment 10
Your submission should follow our general guidelines. Please follow object-oriented principles. Include an executable jar file for each program.
1- Extent your circuit analysis program to handle multiple voltages sources, such as the example below, and calculate the unknown node values. Display your results in a TextArea (see TextAreas in Jama) Format your node variables to distinguish voltages from currents. In the example, there are four nodes and two voltage sources, so the matrix is 6 x 6 and the node values would be:
2- V(1) = ***
3- V(2) = ***
4- V(3) = ***
5- V(4) = ***
6- I(1) = ***
7- I(2) = ***
The LTSpice version of this circuit can be downloaded from test6.zip
R1 1 2 100
R2 3 4 400
R3 2 0 500
R4 4 0 200
VA 1 0 9
VB 3 2 5

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2- Modify your Java program from asgn 9 (Q2) so that you can also select and draw wires. The netlist description of a wire would be
WIRE x1 y1 … xn yn
Assignment 11
Your submission should follow our general guidelines. Please follow object-oriented principles. Include an executable jar file for each program.
1- Extend your circuit analysis program (from asgn10 Q1) to handle both voltage sources and current sources, such as the example below, and calculate the unknown node values. Display your results in a TextArea. Create a JMenubar with File and Help menus. The File menu should have Open, Save As and Exit menu items. Open should bring up a JFileChooser (in current directory) to select a netlist. Save As should bring up a JFileChooser to select an output file that contains the text from the TextArea.
Your program should also be capable of running with command line arguments of the form.
java -jar Prog1.jar netlist_file [output_file]
The second command line argument should be optional.
The LTSpice version of the circuit below (and results) can be downloaded from test7.zip
R1 2 1 100
R2 3 2 300
R3 0 4 500
R4 0 5 200
VA 3 5 6
I1 2 4 0.005
R5 1 0 400

2- Modify your circuit layout Java program from asgn 10 (Q2). Add a JMenubar with File, Edit, and Help menus. You should be able to add and delete components (resistors, current and voltage sources, and wires) and to select, move, rotate, or edit components. The files you write should be readable by the analysis program in Q1.
3- Improve your robot controller from asgn10 (if necessary) and incorporate it into game1. The goal of the game is to steer the robot to the yellow X as quickly as possible.

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Assignment 12
Your submission should follow our general guidelines. Please follow object-oriented principles. Include an executable jar file for each program.
1. Use your circuit layout program from asgn 11 to create the following circuit. Show a screen shot of the result. Then use the circuit analysis program to find the nodal voltage vx.

R1 R2 R3 R4 va vb
300 Ω 800 Ω 600 Ω 400 Ω 12 V 6 V
2. Use your circuit layout program from asgn 11 to create the following circuit. Show a screen shot of the result. Then use the circuit analysis program to find the nodal voltages and currents.

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