

evaluate the product and determine the safety factors in the design (if any) and suggest the minimum values for the design parameters (geometry, dimension, material, etc.) to reduce the cost.
Project Guideline

Step 1:
Select an engineering product (consumer product or fixture) that is subjected to constant and variable (fatigue) loads. For examples: tools in the garage, the pedal crank on your bike, automotive components (i.e. shock tower on your vehicle), circular saw, etc. Brainstorm ideas with your teammates and select the product.

Step 2:
Here are the tasks
a) Analyze it completely for failure modes
b) Investigate the loads acting on the components, their variations, and the location of the maximum
stresses (several locations)
c) Estimate the stresses at these locations and draw Mohr’s Circle for these locations.
You may need to create a spreadsheet in Excel/MATLAB to preform your calculations. All values in the spreadsheet or program must be clearly labeled. Show all intermediate steps, results, as well as the final output.
d) Are there any Safety Factors required at these locations?
e) If a Safety Factor of 1 was used, estimate the new geometry, dimensions, etc.

Step 3:

Develop conclusions and recommendations about the product (discuss and comments about the design, can it be improved?) State all assumptions you made in your analysis that might have accounted for possible inaccurate answers.

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