
use the essay by Judith Butler as one of your sources. I also want you to use two of the previous three essays as sources. In addition to that, find three or more additional sources,
In your summaries, describe and explain what the main point each author is making. Then think about how they are also making a point or argument that extends beyond the topic of their essays. Once you have done that, then you are ready to begin brainstorming and drafting your final essay. Think about what is the point that you want to make?
Requirements :
• Sources—six total
• Formal writing style, no mechanical or grammatical errors
• Clear and focused thesis
• Thesis is supported with evidence from the sources
• MLA conventions for formatting, in-text citations and Works Cited page
• Third-person point-of-view
• Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are synthesized into your argument using proper MLA format

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