
The final assignment for this semester is a Research Paper that centers around Finding Happiness in Difficult Times. For

this paper, which should be a minimum of five pages, you will research five outside sources and five course documents

provided for this Unit. Make sure you list ALL sources at the end of the paper (both outside and inside sources).
These are the course sources that you need to use
Movie Pursuit of happiness (will smith)




use outside sources of your choice

Your goal for this paper is to determine how to find happiness within unhappiness. This, of course, is the ultimate test.

And to most people an impossible concept. But YOU are not most people, you now have an awareness of happiness that few


You have three films, song lyrics, and literary works you can include in your analysis of finding happiness within

unhappiness. You also have first hand experience, since life is composed of ups and downs, good days and bad days, happy

times and sad times.

So for the Unit 4 Developed Response/Research paper, here are the avenues for you to pursue.

How did the characters in these three films achieve happiness amidst misery?
From the songs and literary works of this unit, what gets people through difficult times?
How did gender issues impact the happiness levels of men and women?
What about Shirley Temple provided happiness to people of the Depression? Is there anyone in our era who has had similar

effects? If yes, who and why? If not, why not?
What happens in these films that symbolize man’s ability to (a) deal with misery, (b) experience peace and joy even in

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difficult times, (c) transform unhappiness into happiness?
How has man’s ability to achieve happiness in the midst of difficulties changed over the years, as shown in these films?
What about Shirley Temple provided happiness to people of the Depression? Is there anyone in our era who has had similar

effects? If yes, who and why? If not, why not?
What happens in these films that symbolize man’s ability to (a) deal with misery, (b) experience peace and joy even in

difficult times, (c) transform unhappiness into happiness?
How has man’s ability to achieve happiness in the midst of difficulties changed over the years, as shown in these films?

As usual, focus on being as specific as possible in your references to the films, integrating sources into your text

(refer to them specifically–it helps me know that they are there), as well as listing them at the end of the paper, good

organization, good grammar, and original ideas.

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