Environmental studies and Forestry

Explore the following websites of design firms and select one project each from two different firms that exemplifies their work. Compare the projects to those elements of environmentally sensitive community design listed on page 583 (choose those elements most relevant) in Randolph and to each other. In addition to the three pages of text, you may also provide up to three graphics in your response.

a. Duany, Plater-Zyberk & Company: http://www.dpz.com
b. Calthorpe Associates: http:/www.calthorpe.com
c. Dover, Kohl & Partners: http:/www.doverkohl.com
d. Mithūn: http://mithun.com
e. SvR Design: http:/www.svrdesign.com
f. Wallace Roberts & Todd: http:/www.wrtdesign.com
g. Congress for New Urbanism project database: http:/www.cnu.org/search/projects
h. Urban Advantage: http:/www.urban-advantage.com

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