Environmental studies and Forestry

The most recent National Climate Assessment (NCA3) in May 2014 was released with much fanfare just a few weeks ago and

became frontpage news. NCA3 is designed to be “the largest and most comprehensive evaluation of climate change and

impacts in the U.S.” This is the third such assessment, they are issued every four years.

Completion of this discussion question involves the review of the three parts below (I., II., and III.)

I. The NCA3 report is available in the form of an online interactive report. The online report is available under

http://nca2014.globalchange.gov/report. Please explore the report for a few minutes.

Go to the “Highlights” section. Then go to Regions -> Explore Regions -> Northeast (or other region if you are based

there or have an interest in that region) -> Follow the downward arrow by scrolling down the page

Please note three features of the report:

1. There are several “Key Messages” given for each region;

2. Note that the references in the report each have a URL and you can go directly to the source of information;

3. There is a “Details/Download” link with each of the graphs in the report.

Please view approx. 15 minutes of a recent “webinar” online event featuring NCA staff and authors of the NCA3 report.

In order to view the webinar, you have to register first for the “Security and Sustainability Forum.” Here are the steps:

1. Go to: http://securityandsustainabilityforum.org/register

2. After having entered your information (fill out all required fields), click “Submit Registration.”

3. Once you are logged in to SSF, go to Archive -> Webinars and then select The National Climate Assessment

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Recommendations and Implications (or, once you are logged in to the SFF, go directly to:


Please wait a few seconds and the webinar video window should appear at the bottom of the The National Climate Assessment

Recommendations and Implications webpage.

Please view approx. 15 minutes of the video segment between the time frame of 9:00 to 24:30 minutes.

Please view some of the components of this new climate change website:


Please respond to the following questions:
Do you find the presentation of the NCA3 report to be effective for engaging the public (for example, you and me)? Why or

why not? For example, do any of the “Key Messages” for your region in the interactive NCA3 report seem to be well on

target and relevant for your hometown/city/region of your interest)? Why or why not? Is the NCA3 interactive report, or

the Climate Reality Project’s website, in the end more effective for engaging the public on the topic of climate change,

in your view?
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