
Write a 750-word (min.) essay on the following topics. Follow the formatting guides for MLA (see sample MLA paper in Course Materials):

Double space

12 pt font (Arial, Times Roman, Calibri)

One-inch margins

Page header (your name, course, date, assignment)

Page numbers (right hand header).

LITERARY ANALYSIS: “A & P” by John Updike

1. Read the full text of “A & P”

2. Watch the “A & P” Video

3. Watch the Interview with John Updike

4. Read the John Updike Essay

5. Listen to the NPR All Things Considered segment on “ John Updike: Testing the Limits of What I Know and Feel”

6. Complete the quizzes on “A & P” Shmoop

Choose one of the following topics:

1. From Sammy’s language, what do you learn about his view of himself? About his educational and class level? The first sentence, for example, is grammatically incorrect in standard English but not uncommon in colloquial English. Point out and explain similar passages.

2. Consider the first eleven paragraphs as exposition, in which you learn about the location, the issues, and the participants in the story’s conflict. Is there anything inessential in this section? Do you learn enough to understand the story? How might someone other than Sammy present the material?

3. How do you learn that Sammy is an experienced “girl watcher”? What does he think he thinks about most girls? To what degree is this estimate inconsistent with what he finally does after the girls leave?

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4. Why does Sammy say “I quit” so abruptly? What does he mean when he says that the world is going to be hard to him after his experience at the A & P?

Essay Prompt

here are the topics that u can use this paper has to be 15 % or less plagiarism

Identify the protagonist.

Explain the protagonist’s conflict. Is it internal? Is it external?



Are there more than one possible climax or denouement?

Climax 1?

Climax 2?

Denouement 1?

Denouement 2?

How do these options affect the interpretation of the theme of the story?

Is the story a tragedy or a comedy?



Header (name, course, date) MLA Manuscript Format

Title reflects your thesis.

Should not the title of the work you are analyzing.

Mention the title of the work and the author in the Introduction.

Title of works are in quotes (except for novels and plays —use italics).

Introduction includes:

Background information: a very brief overview of the work.

Identify the main characters, the speaker, plot, imagery/tone/mood.

Thesis statement ( what you are analyzing for example setting, and what theme

you are working with—-analysis of the work + theme)

Body paragraphs (8/6 sentences- not 2/3—choppy).

Match summary with analysis.

Conclusion: summarize the analysis and then focus on the theme.

Support ideas with examples from the text (i.e. quotes)—do not use very long


Introduce your quotes: Later, Sammy says, “………………………………….”

Always use the present tense.

Do not use the 1st person “I”, and the 2nd “you” (too informal for academics)

Do not announce your intentions using 1st person.


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