
R?nd?ring ??ightm??s using ???nGL Sh?ding L?ngu?g? GLSL

Rendering Heightmaps using OpenGL Shading Language GLSL

Please note that this is coding coursework it involve c++ and c# programming


1. Setting up and loading the heightmap texture

2. Grid setup in system memory

3. Vertex Buffer Object and Vertex Array Object


4. drawSurface function implementation

5. Vertex shader implementation & uniform variable setup

5. Fragment Shader


7. You will be required to explain your design and implementation line-by-line and justify your design and the problems

more details please find the attached file.


1) A zip containing the source code and executable of your


2) You will be required to explain your design and implementation line-by-line and justify your design and the problems
you faced.
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