
write one research paper . You will choose your own topic for the research paper, but topics should be helpful to your individual growth as a consultant. Whether you choose to base your paper on your own experience as a consultant, or researching an area of consultation of interest to you, you should have at least three references for your work (other than the course textbook). One of your references may be an interview with someone, but at least two of your references must be from another professional journal or book.

write one research paper . You will choose your own topic for the research paper, but topics should be helpful to your individual growth as a consultant. Whether you choose to base your paper on your own experience as a consultant, or researching an area of consultation of interest to you, you should have at least three references for your work (other than the course textbook). One of your references may be an interview with someone, but at least two of your references must be from another professional journal or book.

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