
discussion question
1. Assume you are new to your job, and on the first day you have a conversation with your boss, who says, “Satisfied workers are productive workers.” Do you agree with her statement?
Why? Why not? Please support your opinion with evidence from our readings.
2.All; let’s think about the relationship between satisfaction and productivity. Is there a causal link?
3.Does satisfaction cause productivity?
4.Could it be the other way around?
5.Could you have one without the other
6.What is the link between perception and decision making
7. How does one affect the other?
8. All; in light of this week’s readings, think about a decision that you made recently, or some time in your memory’s past. How did your perceptions of the choices affect the quality of the process?
9. What went well and what could have gone better had you reflected on the perceptual processes going on within
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