
Coursework 1

Please answer in 150 words Need 1 reference
Another consideration on how diverse humans are: Training on job skills or company policies should be introduced using a variety of delivery

formats. If the message is important, enough that all personnel fathom the true meaning, then it is the responsibility of those giving the

training to provide different methods for learning. If a manager notices that an employee is not picking up instructions, then they should try

another way of approaching the transfer of knowledge. A supervisor should ask open-ended questions to identify what has been absorbed. (Don’t put

words in the employee’s mouth by asking questions that only require a “yes” or “no” answer. Someone with little knowledge of the peculiarities of

a second language might answer “yes” whether it qualifies or not.) Reiterating the prime topics using different words and asking the employee to

explain the concepts in their own words will also help to ensure that understanding has taken place. It is not always the lack of language

familiarity that is the problem. It can also be the style of learning that is the hold up to understanding.
People learn in different ways. Some people learn by listening. The instructor tells them what they need to know and they are able to pick up the

essence of the information and translate how it would be applied in their workplace.

Others need to read, underline, highlight or make a visual image that is engraved on the brain before the concepts start to make sense. By the

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way, doodling is a part of processing information for the visual learner. (Your teenager may not be ignoring what you say just because they are

doodling on their notebook while you lecture.)

A third pattern of learning consists of performing while learning or a “kinesthetic learner”. The individual may conceptually understand, but the

true application does not come until they are able to absorb the elements by testing and working through specific instructions. The “doing” aspect

is taught in the format of a scenario or game that is played out by the attendees. If you find an employee saying that they are bored with the

silly games in a training session, it is obvious that they pick up information in a different manner. It should be explained that those who

benefit from performing a scenario are not less smart, they just learn differently.

Asking questions, drawing diagrams, show & tell and reiterating with different words are all effective ways to ensure that employees understand.

Repetition is also helpful. When hearing new information, people often are absorbing the last point that they heard and miss what was talked about

next. Give handouts for later study and a short review test of the new information. Then, reiterate the important points until the light bulb goes


As a manager (or parent), have you tried various ways of giving instructions? As an employee, have you figured out your best way of absorbing

Coursework 2
Please summarize in 150 words
Referenceprovided Provide examples for understanding
Kavanagh, S. (2008, January/February). Paper discusses the role of a chief ethics and compliance officer. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 10

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(1), 25.

Coursework 3
Please summarize in 150 words
Reference provided Provide examples for understanding
Nelson, W. A. (2008, March/April). Addressing organizational ethics. Healthcare Executive, 23(2), 43.
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