Explaining Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility

Explaining Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility
You are expected to write an individual critique of one of the following papers (choose one):

Romani, S., Grappi, S., & Bagozzi, R. (2013). Explaining Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Gratitude and Altruistic Values. Journal of Business Ethics, 114(2), 193-206. doi: 10.1007/s10551-012-1337-z

Torres, A., Bijmolt, T. H. A., Tribó, J. A., & Verhoef, P. (2012). Generating global brand equity through corporate social responsibility to key stakeholders. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(1), 13-24. doi:

You are expected to engage with the academic literature for this assignment, i.e. use academic journal papers/books for this essay. This is an academic piece of work which should demonstrate the application of relevant theories.

Your critique should address the following issues:
•How does the paper fit into the existing literature in its area? (This means you have to do some reading in that area)
•What research gap is the paper trying to address?
•What methodology does the paper use, and why?
•What alternative methodologies could have been used?
•Does the paper answer its research questions fully?
•Discuss the limitations of the paper.
•What makes this paper an important paper in its area?

Note: Make sure you take a look at the marking criteria

Key Marking criteria will include :
•Reflection of knowledge of literature in the subject area (25%)
•Critical discussion of research design and possible alternatives (25%)
•Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the paper (20%)
•Quality of referencing (10%)
•Quality of bibliography (10%)
•Structure and readability (10%)

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Notes on Style

The assignment should be in professional report format (i.e. use numbered paragraphs and have an executive summary).
Use Times New Roman Font, size 12, double spaced lines,1 inch margins all around

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