Film Critique Checklist:

Film Critique Checklist:

The movie is “The King’s Speech” (I already selected)
The symptom is social anxiety, and you can identify other illness.

• Introduction: In your first one or two paragraphs, describe the psychological topic of the movie (e.g., schizophrenia for A Beautiful Mind; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for As Good as it Gets; Memory for Memento, Racism for Crash). Remember to use citations here. (30 pts)
• Research: In this section which should be between 1 ½ to 2 pages, please summarize current research on the topic of the movie. (100 points)
At least 3 scholarly resources in recent 5 years.

• Movie Summary: One page maximum summarizing the movie. (20 pts)
• Analysis: The rest of the paper contains your analysis. In this section, use your research to critique the movie (100 pts):
o Did the movie portray the topic realistically, or not?
o What were the movies strengths? Weaknesses?
o What would you change about how this topic was presented in this film?
You must provide examples from the movie and outside resources to support your ideas!
• Conclusion: One to two paragraphs summarizing the main points of the topic, movie and your analysis. (10 points)
• APA Style: This includes reference, title page & in-text citations (30 points)
• Page requirement: 5 pages minimum (10 points)

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