Film & Theater studies

1- In a paragraph describe what you think Welles tried to show in this sequence. What was he trying to say about the relationship between Susan and Kane through the choice of cinematography and mise en scene?

2- Then, redesign the sequence as a montage. The sequence should be 8-20 shots long. Write a description of what happens in each shot, how the shot is framed, the duration of the shot and the sound accompanying it. 20%.

1- in the first as you see you have to answers the questions in paragraph.

2- The second write 8 or 20 shots and you have to number them but you have here to create new story with same actors Kane and Susan.
here is the video that you have to use to answer the questions that in the first part of the paper and the second part you have to create a new story with the same actors name but different story from your imagination and it has to be 8 or 20 shots and you have to number them.
And this the link to answer the questions in the first paragraph.

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