
Assignment summary:

The goal of this assignment is for each student to apply the knowledge that was attained in this class to a case study of a US public company. Each student will select a company (it can be any US public company) as the subject of the analysis. You will attain the financial information for that company in one of two ways (using the EDGAR tool on the SEC website -or- on the company website). The financial statements will be analyzed and the results will become the basis of your paper. In terms of analysis, you have two choices: 1) a broad-scoped analysis of the company financial statements applying ratios and other tools to evaluate the overall state of the company or, 2) a deep-dive analysis on one or two sections of the financial statements [for example, you may choose to evaluate only the liquidity of the company, which would involve current assets and liabilities – so you would use all of the ratios and analysis techniques we learned to fully analyze liquidity.]

Paper requirements:
• The chosen company must be approved by the instructor
• The paper will be 8-10 pages in length, which can include tables, graphs, etc
• You will use 12-point font and double-spacing throughout
• Title page, reference page and appropriate citations as required
• The financial statements will be added as an appendix (I only want the IS and BS….do not attach 20 pages)
• Scope the analysis so that it is thorough and meets the length requirement.

• Attain the financial statements for the company. I would like you to use 2013 and 2014 if possible

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