Finance variables influencing competitiveness

Finance variables influencing competitiveness

1. Expound on the five variables influencing competitiveness by applying them to the internet search industry and to the tobacco industry.
2. Elaborate on rate of return and risk for diverse industries cross-sectionally and inter temporally. What are its determinants and how do they affect it?
3. Analyze the steps of a top down process in security analysis.
4. How would industry structure affect the risk and profitability of the smart phone and food industries? On the matter of demographics, three variables are

5. Discuss and evaluate the approach to forecasting by using indicators and barometric techniques.
6. Explicate sector rotation and the business and stock market cycle.
7. Analyze investing based on the life cycle of an industry. Apply your discussion to the personal computer and the retail industry.
8. Elaborate on the formulation of an investment policy.
9. Evaluate P/E, P/Sales and P/CF ratio analysis.
10. Explain the reasons that we attempt to foretell the direction of the economy. Ascertain that you include market timing and sector rotation at a minimum.
11. How do fiscal and monetary policies affect the economy and the stock market?
12. Expound on this quote. “The economy may easily slow down in the next couple years, if not enter into a recession. The reason is that there are a few optimistic

factors, but there also are a few pessimistic ones. Among the positive variables are expansionary monetary policy, strengthening of banks, such as the increased

capital requirements, improvement of the firms’ balance sheets, i.e., increase of cash holdings and general improvement of the mood of society. However, there are

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three key weaknesses. One is the high levels and ratios of debt for businesses, households and governments. The second is the woeful investment in infrastructure of

all sorts, which has occurred in the last three decades. The third is the increase in the last three decades in inequality of income and wealth, which makes the

masses, poor and lower middle income people, to lose substantial buying power.”
Ascertain that you discuss the effects on GDP, inflation, competitiveness, interest rates, employment, general welfare of society and most importantly on the stock

13. Analyze the concept of ROE. Use the Dupont method and talk about the components of the formula. Evaluate the ROE as a performance metric. How does it affect EPS?

Is EPS a good performance measure of a firm? Why, or why not?