Financial Performance

Financial Performance

Pick one publicly listed and traded company at in the industrial sector,under the sub-sector of construction materials support like;


and write an INDIVIDUAL report giving a critical analysis of the financial performance of the organisation chosen.

The process is as follows:
? Decide on the organisation that is to be investigated and acquire the latest company report for that organisation: profit and loss account (income statement), balance sheet, cash flow statement and operating review. The organisation that you choose may be your current employer, or may be one in which you have an interest (for example, competitor, supplier or customer). As you will need to show the trend of performance, it will be essential to choose an organisation that publishes accounts showing previous years’ performance or to acquire this from elsewhere. Between three and five years of analysis are required. As you will be expected to present a wide range of financial ratios, you are advised to choose an organisation which presents sufficient information for you to do so.
? Collect the same information for two other organisations to benchmark against your chosen object of analysis. As far as possible you should chose organisations that are of the same size and in a similar sector.
? You must also incorporate broader relevant issues in their report – for example, competition, the economy, strategic issues, and so on. For this reason, other information should also be collected. The task here is to integrate the financial analysis with the analysis of other business aspects.
? Produce a critical report of 1,200 words which analyses the performance of the organisation. Your report should be a critical narrative, and any calculations and supporting documentation must be shown as appendices.
? The assessment should be written in the form of a report from a management consultant advising on the financial performance of the organisation. The presentation of the work must be as professional as possible.

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Where the report is not web-derived, then the relevant parts (those actually used) should be scanned and included in an appendix to your report.
Assignment marking criteria
At masters’ level, students are expected to demonstrate an in-depth appreciation of decision-making tools available to managers including an awareness of the limitations of such decision-making tools. Assignments should demonstrate a wider application of the subject area that may include interrelationships with other academic or management disciplines (marketing, human resources, and so on).
The project is marked 100% on the text submitted.
At management level it is vital to encompass a broad range of issues and therefore the course team do not want to be too prescriptive as to what should and should not be included. Accepting that every assignment will be different, the following headings are a rough indication of the allocation of the marks for the report is given below:
? presentation of report, including proper referencing: 5%
? background/development of company: 5%
? linkage to syllabus/depth of analysis: 40%
? data gathering/information used: 10%
? innovation/critical comment: 30%
? conclusion/recommendations: 10%.
Tutor given materials will be uploaded for your reference and read through.

One of the reference shall be of based on Accounting for Managers written by McLaney and Atrill (2008)

Please ask the writer to consider chosing one of the followings companies in this performance analysis:

National Aluminum Co.
Al Jazeera Steel Co.
AlAnwar Ceramic

These listed at

and after picking up, then has to carry out the comparision and analysis on the against the other two above.

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