foreign policy

How have the Gulf States used oil as their foreign policy tool (mainly the oil embargo of 1973)and how effective has it been?
This essay is for my International Relations of the Middle East class

To clarify my topic: I wish to discover how the gulf states have used the oil weapon (mainly the oil embargo of 1973) to influence the foreign policy of other countries (mainly the US).

instructions paper:
I. Introduction
II. Historic background (1973-2000’s)

A. Establishment OPEC..explain OPEC (Explain how OPEC was in the 1960’s not effective)
B. How has it become effective in 1970’s?
C. How did the gulf countries used the oil embargo as a foreign policy tool?
1. 1973 oil embargo etc….effective or not?

D. Oil prices went up in 72-75, which was used against the West. (OPEC acts as a group)
III. The current foreign policy tools of the gulf states.
– What are their foreign policy goals?
-. Relate to Arab spring
-. OPEC acts individuals
IV. Conclusion: analyses, how effective?

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