Fronto-temporal dementia

Fronto-temporal dementia
1500 words

Part A Scientific Essay – approximately 1200 words

Part B Reflection – approximately 300 words

Using current scientific literature to support your writing, describe the chosen dementia in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function and associated behavioural change. Also include a paragraph reflecting on the impact this knowledge has had or will have on your practice.

essay in two parts (1: Scientific Essay, 2: Reflection). Ensure appropriate writing style is used in each instance, i.e. third person for the scientific essay and first person for the reflection.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of biology and function of the brain, abnormal ageing processes and the dementias.
2. Analyse and interpret information.
3. Demonstrate a capacity to reflect and apply dementia-related knowledge.
3. Use appropriate academic writing style, correct grammar and spelling,
4. Academic referencing – APA

Further information required held within the attached documents is the Rubric.