Genre Triptych

Genre Triptych
Reflecting back on both the types of art we learned about this term, and the development of art through various time periods, create a triptych representing one type of art as seen through three different periods or artistic movements (i.e., “Isms”). For example, you could show the development of cinema from “no sound” prior to around 1926, to the introduction of auteur theory in the 1960s and 1970s, to the rise of the documentary film during the 2000s. NOTE: You can elect to do this project as a group of “1” (meaning by yourself), but keep in mind that you will be solely and completely responsible for ALL components on your own.

To present your triptych, you’ll need to create some kind of narrated video, slideshow, or automated Prezi. Make sure to incorporate the following elements into your presentation and to properly cite all references using MLA format.

Why did you choose the art form?
Why did you choose the time periods or movements?
Why did you choose the specific art works?
Title, artist, date for each piece
Little to no written words, other than listing the title, artist, and date. Let your narration do the explaining.
Detail the change or development in the art form for each time period…what changed, why did it change, who were the key people instrumental to the change, what social angles were impacted because of the change/development
Be sure to explicitly describe elements of the change or characteristics of the new period or movement in your selected work incorporating key terms from our textbook.

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