
1. Looking at the laminated posters by the padded seats near the
stairway, name three animal “survivors” (animals that are still
with us today) of the Pleistocene Epoch Ice Age : common name
(in English please) and scientific names (in Latin, not Spanish)

2. Name three countries where lions lived during the Pleistocene
and where they are absent today.

3. In what city was the Harlan’s Ground Sloth skeleton mounted in
the museum

4. What were the climate and environment like in San Diego 21000
5. How did ancient walruses

6. JADE BOULDER: Describe how jade is

7. What geologic or geographic feature occupied the area from Palm
Springs south to the modern day head of the Gulf of California 15
million years ago? What evidence of this feature can we find in
the desert
8. Operate the tabletop “see plates move-“past, present and
future” video exhibit. When might we expect the next
supercontinent to form in the future, according to the video

9. You have found a fossil impression of an Eocene palm frond.
What geologic Formation was this found

10. What San Diego County city yielded the Eocene, 43 million year
old tortoise shell fossil? In what geologic formation was it

11. What advantage does a big nose give to a

12. Look at the “an end and a beginning” exhibit. What rare element
does the thin gray claystone contain? Why is this evidence of a
catastrophic event at the end of the Cretaceous and beginning of
the Tertiary? What was the

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13. Why is fossil hadrosaur skin fairly common in the fossil

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