The poll , which included 700 companies with factories abroad , conducted by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), that about 80 % of the companies surveyed said that , if the working conditions for the operation of their plants are more appropriate in the outside of the home .

In particular, said about 1.5 % of these companies that they intend to transfer their factories abroad to home in the near future .

The Korean companies that do not have the desire to bring their plants from the outside once again and represent the majority to rising wages and strained relations between workers and management as the biggest reasons for their reluctance..

The average number of overseas factories run by South Korean manufacturers are only two manufacturers, while the proportion of 87.8 % of the overseas factories are located in emerging countries , including China , and the rest in developed countries like the United States .

The 60% ??of South Korean companies are run factories abroad in an effort to reduce costs and frequenting new markets .
all that facts create an important question in my head?
which is Under the transformation countries into the world of one (Globalization)

As I mentioned earlier, most Korean companies prefer to run their factories overseas, but if the countries have got any conflicts or war between the two countries
the research question is
What are the economic implications for both countries and the world economy, as well as what are the ways and solutions to find a quick alternative to the consumer goods with the same quality and the costs involved?

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