
Nederveen Pieterse, from “Globalization as Hybridization” (BB) Z. Bauman, from “Glocalization and Hybridity” (BB) Both authors, Bauman and Pieterse, describe processes of cultural mixing. Pieterse focuses on different forms of what he calls “global mélange.” Bauman describes how places, in particular cities, serve as “localities” that play an important role in mixing the global and the local. Write a 1-page reflection answering the following questions: (1) In your own words, describe what Pieterse means by “global mélange” and give one example from the reading. (2) Explain why Bauman thinks cities and localities play such an important role in globalization. Format: One page, typed, double-spaced (one page = 200-250 words). Put your name and course (GRS001) at upper right. Check carefully for correct grammar and spelling!Glocalization and hybridity. By Z. Bauman from;

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