God and the human experience

In the human perception of and relationship with transcendent God, there is no immediate experience of God but instead a mediate experience of God. In this, the experience of God takes on the human perceptual reality of gender and therefore, governs the expression of gender in sacred texts.


Working with primary reading, secondary reading, and lecture material, discuss how, in the literature studied, the experience of God is mediated through the lens of human sexuality. What do you believe is positive about this? Negative? Why?

please use the attached readings –
Read: “On Feminine God Talk
Read: Review: God and the Second Sex
Read: The Meaning of the Bible, ch. 10


What does Job argue about his predicament and what do Job’s friends argue? Provide examples from the text. Do you agree with Job’s conclusion about his crisis? Why or why not?

Read: When Bad Things Happen To Good People
Read: The Meaning of the Bible, ch. 14
Read: Meaning of the Bible, ch. 6
the 2 books and 2 articles
and the bible
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