group culture

Defining and understanding the elements of a group culture is essential to forging a professional identity either online

or in person. These elements are important because they reflect how professionals interact, whether online or in person.

An industrial or work place culture consists of different occupations, roles and statuses. A hospital is an excellent

example of a number of people working in close proximity representing different occupational groups. Patients, nurses,

health care specialists, surgeons, administrators, security, and support staff groups all function together but may be

identified by their equipment, behaviors and language, and the tools and training used to get their work completed.

In this Assignment you will write a descriptive report about the culture of a group of people, a company, or an

organization based on background research and an interview of a professional person who is part of that culture.

Assignment Instructions

Part 1

Search using individual internet research and write a report that investigates a cultural group in your desired field.

Describe what the group is like in your own words.

Part 2

Select and interview a professional person in your field of interest. Ask questions about this person’s group that will

allow you to gain insights into aspects of the culture that he/she is a member of. Integrate the insights gained from the

interview responses and your impressions into your written report.

Assignment Format

Cover page that includes your name, course and section number, date, and the Assignment title.
Five pages clearly typewritten in American English text (3 pages background text, 2 pages describing what you learned

from the interview).
One reference page listing sources you discovered in your background research and used to support your descriptive

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writing in Part 1 (use APA citation).
Attach your interview questions and notes as an appendix.

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