Guilt, Grief, and Bereavement

Guilt, Grief, and Bereavement
If necessary, review Case Study: Guilt, Grief, and Bereavement, the media piece you were asked to view earlier in this unit. Imagine that you are discussing this case with Susan Florman, the counselor who will be working with Tracy Davis, the woman who has lost her mother.
• Would you describe Tracy as at-risk bereaved? Why or why not?
• What were some of the most important issues Tracy brought up when talking with Susan?
• Describe what techniques might be most effective when working with this client.
Support your strategies with appropriate references from the readings.
****Assignment #2
Grief Counseling
Locate a research article that describes the effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) of grief counseling. Summarize the findings of the study. Reference the article in APA (6th ed.) style.
•How do the findings in that article compare to the findings of your article?
•How will the findings of your article inform your practice when working with grieving clients?

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