Gunther Barth, City People

the book is (Gunther Barth, City People).
Gunther Barth takes you into the world of the industrializing city of the 19th century. This paper is based on a careful

and thorough reading of Gunther Barth, City People. Barth’s work explores the 19th century city – a type of city some

consider almost an ideal city form – highly centralized, with institutions providing ways for all citizens to find a

common sense of belonging. Barth argues that in the 19th century city people developed a relatively common culture,

expressed in such shared institutions and experiences as the downtown department store, metropolitan newspaper, and the

vaudeville theater, among others. Those three, in particular, have gone away or are in danger of going away. Barth

argued that their demise (as well as the city culture they created) disappeared after the appearance of the automobile.

Some people today believe that for cities to survive they must recapture some of the elements of that 19th century city –

especially its thriving downtown and its sense of shared culture and experience.

For this paper, write three (3 full pages) essays. Total length should be 9 pages.

Essay One: Based on pages 3-109, write a 3 full pages essay in which you discuss the role/function of parks, apartment

houses and the metropolitan press in the 19th century city.

Essay Two: Based on pages 110-234, write a 3 full pages essay in which you discuss the role/function of department

stores, baseball, and the vaudeville house in the 19th century city.

Essay Three: Based on the entire book, write a 3 full pages essay in which you compare and contrast how men and women


found ways to find a sense of belonging within the 19th century city.

NOTE: It seems common sense that a compare/contrast essay should focus on points of comparison and contrast. However,

many writers write describe/describe essays instead – they describe the first thing (X), then describe the second thing

(Y) with just a few, often off-hand remarks, about how the two things are similar or different. A strong

comparison/contrast essay begins with a thesis that outlines overall points of comparison (i.e., X and Y are similar in

that both …) and overall points of contrast (i.e., X is different than Y in that X ….). The paragraphs within the essay

then focus on explaining those points of comparison and contrast.

The sequence of any essay is important. Essays should start with a clear thesis paragraph that outlines the major points

you will make in the essay. The paragraphs that follow must support the thesis and lead progressively to a conclusion.

The conclusion should restate the thesis.

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