
1. In an interview in the late 1980s, Pete Seeger, American folk singer and composer from the 1950’s through the

1970’s, stated, “There is a big beautiful world that could be destroyed by selfishness and foolishness. We musicians have

it within our power to help save it.”
In what ways can music be used to “save the world”? Do you think music is really that powerful?
Feel free to add your final thoughts about this class. What was easy? What was hard? What was the most interesting thing

you learned? Any suggestions? Say good-bye to the class. Only one posting is required for full points.

2. Now that you have completed this course think back on all the selections on the CDs and pick

one(Hallelujah Messiah, HWV 56 (Handel, George Frideric)) that stood out the most to you. It could be because you liked

it in any number of ways or it could be something that surprised you or even startled you. What significance does this

piece of music have to you and to the evolution and/or role of music in general?

I pick Hallelujah Messiah, HWV 56 (Handel, George Frideric)
Describe the reaction you had to it and why you think you responded in the way you did.

What piece did you like the least and describe how you have learned to appreciate it despite your initial response.
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