HCAD 610 Assignment 1: Critical Analysis Paper

write a 2 page, double-spaced, critical analysis essay of a peer-reviewed article related to healthcare information systems. Writing good analytical reviews is a crucial skill in improving your critical thinking skills, not only for academic success at the graduate level, but for demonstrating a practical understanding of healthcare information systems at the operational level.

Select a refereed academic journal of your choice and write an essay that addresses the following:

What are the major themes that emerge from your reading? What was the methodology used (if applicable)? What are the underlying assumptions? What are the conclusions and how does this work contribute to the furthering the use of information systems in healthcare? Where does the author come up short? What questions are raised? What remains to be addressed? Finally, how does the article relate to the course readings / discussions so far? ( course readings are: The importance of Health Information Technology, External Environment, Government policy and healthcare reform, and Leadership: The Case of Healthcare CIO)

NOTE: Please attach a pdf copy of your selected article because the Professor wants to see it. I will also suggest that you write down the questions followed by your responses to the questions.
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