Health promotion Assesment.

Health promotion Assesment.

Throughout the course you are required to apply Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns (GFHP)—a comprehensive assessment tool—that reflects the health patterns of individuals, families, and communities. Project Overview: You will use this tool (GFHP) to collect and collate data about a family chosen by you to complete the following activities:
Assessment of the health patterns in the family using a health promotion model. A summary of your findings from Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Tool. Development and discussion of strategies to enhance the family’s health status with educational resources. A discussion of complementary strategies that can be used by the family. Tasks: In a 1page essay, complete the following activities: Identify a family with at least four members. Try to select a family with a cultural or ethnic background that is different from your own. Provide a rationale for choosing this family that has health issues in need of intervention. Choose a Health Promotion Model that will guide your work with the family.

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